Young Steinway Artist Han Xiang David Xu is an active Chinese Canadian concert pianist, who maintains deep interest and extra-musical possibilities in other art forms, including ballet, painting, and Taichi. As a martial art practitioner, Xu is heavily influenced, his MMus dissertation was on Taichi Principals and Piano Performance Techniques. For the past few years, Xu has studied many other styles of martial arts and even received his certificate as a professional instructor for Functional Range Conditioning. To go further with his research on the subject, Xu took another Master of Science degree from Royal College of Music. His thesis is on Experience of Fundamental Martial Arts Training for Young Concert Pianists.

After moving to Vancouver, David began studies with Ian Parker, before eventually graduating and studying at the Eastman School of Music, where he studied with Professor Rebecca Penneys. He continued his studies at the Royal Academy of Music in London, under the tutelage of Pascal Nemirovski, and graduated with high honors.

Xu has given several recital tours across China over the past few years, with stops in Beijing, Tianjin, Shenzhen, Chongqing, Xiamen, and Guangzhou. His album Sonatas on Canvas received prizes in three categories in the Global Music Award: Classical Solo Piano, Album, and Emerging Artist. He is a prize winner in many competitions including the Rome International Piano Competition, International Music Competition Paris Grand Prize Virtuoso, and Canadian Music Competition. In 2019, he was invited to feature in a new Jaguar commercial for their new XFL sedan.

Aside of being a concert pianist he is also an educator. In the past few years Xu have adjudicated in many major international piano competitions.

徐瀚祥青年施坦威艺术家,出生于中国天津,4岁习琴,5岁即登台演奏。11岁随家人移居加拿大温哥华,在此期间师从加拿大钢琴家 Ian Parker。在中学期间徐瀚祥多次在学校演出;大学在美国伊斯曼音乐学院获得钢琴演奏专业本科文凭,师从Rebecca Penneys教授,学习过大量的室内乐与独奏曲目,在校期间参加过多次演出以及大师班。本科毕业后徐瀚祥被英国皇家音乐学院录取,攻读学院硕士文凭。钢琴师从Pascal Nemirovski教授,在此期间他还与指挥教育家Sian Edward学习指挥。在这期间他参与多次演出,还曾受邀于伦敦奥运会主场 进行演出。2021年在疫情期间拿到了皇家音乐学院的演奏科学硕士学位。


作为一名音乐教育家,徐瀚祥在疫情期间多次开设科学练琴主题的线上讲座。近几年担任多个国际钢琴比赛评委,其中包括 Vivace 国际钢琴比赛中国赛区评委、北美赛区负责人、加拿大青少年施坦威钢琴大赛评委以及全球杰出华人艺术家协会大赛评委。

徐瀚祥获奖无数,其中包括2020年被施坦威授予青年施坦威艺术家、2019年被国际音乐教师联盟授予荣誉艺术家。2017 环球音乐奖古典钢琴家,新晋艺术家和最佳专辑三个奖项,2016年加拿大杰出青年、2015罗马国际钢琴比赛第三名、国际音乐比赛 巴黎艺术大师大奖第一名、2014加拿大音乐比赛第三名和2013千岛国际比赛第三名。